
my family is in chaos now. bloody hell, do i have to get blamed for nothing? are you grounding me for NOTHING?! bloody fuck. my mother has gone insane and is driving my elder brother and me up the wall. i wonder why she NEVER scolds my second brother. WTH?! so what he works everyday.. COME ON LUH. HE IS MORE WICKED THAN ME CAN?! wtf! $#&%#@$$#%. HE DOES THING I NEVER DO OKAY. I RARELY COME HOME BEFORE 11PM CAN?! I NEVER GO OUT EVERYDAY OK??!?!! I'M USE MY OWN $$$ TOO OKAY?!!?!?!?! is not like i never work before. it's not like i don't have $$$ IS NOT LIKE I DON'T WANT TO FIND A JOB. i'm starting SCHOOL for fuck sake. ARG. i'm going to get a P/T job after i stabilise my school timetable. idiot. ARHS. EVERYTIME SCOLD ME FOR NTH! nothing better to do is it?! I'M NT FOR YOU TO VENT YOUR ANGER ON OKAY, I'M YOUR FUCKING DAUGHTER. TAKE A CLOSER LOOK! I'M NOT AS MEAN AS YOU THINK OKAY?! I'M CONSIDERED A GOOD GIRL. I WOULD HAVE TAKE UP SMOKING, DRINK HEAVILY, TAKE DRUGS &GET SEND TO GIRLS' HOME LONG AGO IF YOU THINK I'M THAT BAD! I'VE BEEN THROUGH 5 TEENAGE YEARS. I KNOW WHAT'S WRONG AND RIGHT. I'M NOT A TWIT! FUCK. AND MY PARENTS ARE ALIVE AND KICKING! YOU ARE NOT FUCKING DEAD!!!! ARG!!!! STOP SAYING YOU ARE DEAD CAN?! INSANITY.

sigh. ok.. i feel better now. can't believe it. what's this? APRIL FOOLS HUH?! bullshit. ok. i'm grouded. no malaysia trip, no going out, no nothing, CAN? so i'm doing nothing now. what she wants me to do?! -__- elder bro and me are cooped up at home. arhs.. so bored.. ]: this is the most terrible week. sigh. MORE CHOCOLATES AND MINTS PLEASE. buay ta han... i wish someone would be there for me... sigh.. well better stop day-dreaming..


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